data points recorded
FieldServices.io is an IoT platform designed around having information about your assets on hand that will save your team time and money. Our intuitive web app provides data on your sensors and is easy to read on any device. Using our notifications platform, you can have peace of mind knowing that if anything needs your attention, we’ll let you know with an email or a text.
Your monitored data is presented in an easy-to-read, customizable, and widely expandable trending graph. No more exporting data to a spreadsheet for further analysis, do it all-in-one.
Learn More >You set the warning and alarm thresholds and we will notify you immediately when a sensor detects an issue. Deploy a customized alerting schedule to all invested parties by email or SMS in an instant.
Learn More >We already have a wide assortment of sensors that are ready to plug and play. If you need one that we haven’t on-boarded yet, our application is designed to reduce lead time from weeks to days.
Learn More >From the office to the middle of nowhere, your data can be accessed from any internet connected device. Our application is 100% mobile-friendly, for when your work needs to go beyond your desk.
Learn More >We want you to be confident in our abilities. Through our experience, we've performed case studies to see the true value of our products. These studies improve the services we provide and generate valuable data for customer review.
FieldServices.io supports data collection for any type of sensor. You can explore your data through multiple display options, all while being notified immediately of any data breaching your pre-set alarm and notification thresholds. Rest easy in your data being safe - we transmit everything securely. Our rapidly deployable, solar-powered base station collects data from the field and relays it to the cloud via a cell modem.
Want to discover ways to save time and money, but you’re not sure where to start? We will guide you through every step. Whether it's to keep track of the vibration of your industrial facility's heavy machinery or the temperature of a water system, if there is a sensor for it, we can track it. The sensors we use are battery powered and optimized to operate for months between battery changes.
Jason Dale
Product Manager
Avery Simon
Lead Electrical Engineer
Jeremy Keczan
Software Architect
Corey Kouns
Software/Web Developer
Brie Genowitz
Field Technician
Justin Maddox
Field Technician
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